Hydrating Electrolyte Drinks 

With temperatures now over 100 degrees, one of the most important things to remember to do during the summer heat is staying hydrated.  In Arizona, because it is so dry, it is more important here than other places to keep up with water intake. However, we have to remember when we sweat, we are loosing more than just water, but important minerals as well. Lack of minerals can lead to low blood pressure, feeling lightheaded/dizzy or getting muscle cramps. If you are looking to pick up an electrolyte beverages at the grocery store or gas station, beware: they contain processed sugar, food dyes and artificial flavors.  You should either look for a clean electrolyte powder or you can make a healthy and tasty homemade drink recipe below.  I use Himalayan sea salt with many of my patients who suffer from any kind of chronic vertigo. It is a wonderful, natural mineral replacement. Try one of the recipes below this summer!

Natural electrolyte replacement drinks   

Electrolyte Base Recipe

2 cups liquid

1/8 tsp Himalayan salt  

Lemon Lime 

Juice of 1 lemon 

Juice of 1 lime 

Enough water to equal 2 total cups of liquid (depends on how juicy your citrus is) 

1-3 Tbsp agave or honey (sweeten to taste) 

1/8 tsp Himalayan salt 


Watermelon Lime

1 cup watermelon juice, (see below) 

Juice of 1 lime 

Enough water to equal 2 total cups of liquid 

1/8 tsp Himalayan salt

*Take about 2-3 cups of watermelon cut into cubes, place in blender or food processor and process until smooth.  Strain juice through a fine mesh strainer. 


Watermelon Coconut

1 cup watermelon juice (see above) 

1 cup coconut water 

1/8 tsp Himalayan salt 


Coconut Lime 

1 cup coconut water 

Juice of 1 lime 

Enough water to equal 2 cups of total liquid 

1/8 tsp Himalayan salt 


Orange Pomegranate

Juice of an orange 

3/4 cup pomegranate juice 

Enough water to equal 2 total cups of liquid 

1/8 tsp Himalayan salt 


Tips & Tricks for Healthy School Lunches


Healthy Summer Travel